
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Installation manual door handle Bugatti exterior/Interior

Firstly you need to measure and cut the handle threaded rod. Make sure that you allow rod to pass through your collected door, frame and leather interior group and that it has a sufficient number of threads attach internal handle as shown. Look at each image that you must close the door latch system, when the handle is turned off. For the example shown, we used a 1/16 "to 1/32" brass stock that was Threaded with 0000 90 touch and with 0000-90 nut. The length of the clip frame latches will vary from car to car. Also note below that the holes in the doors may require reorientation. We recommend filling the originalholes of styrene and drilling of new holes if necessary. In the example, they were transferred to allow for custom window channels (bottom right). Again, your customizations will position choice that must be addressed.


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