
Saturday, September 10, 2011

1984-1991, the Cadillac Seville radio replacement instructions

Remove factory radio
Step 1: Locate and delete the two (2) screws Phillips plastic top panel, which covers the radio controls and air conditioning. They should be located next to leverage air conditioner ventilation directly above (2) air conditioning vents. Pull out the Plastic Panel gently from top to remove it from the dash.
Step 2: radio will be undertaken in two (2) 7 mm bolt screws; one on each side of the radio. Delete both.
Step 3: to remove the radio, pull firmly. Unplug all connectors (1 blue, 1 white and 1 black) from the back of the radio. Disconnect the antenna cable from the back of the radio. Radio can now be removed from the dash.
Step 4: since the opening is so big, in Tyre, a doctor recommends that you use plastic mounting bracket, attached to the bottom of the radio is simply deleted.
This bracket can be attached to the bottom of the mounting plastic radio and assure you that this set of properly aligned and fixed on the dash.

Radio installation kit
Connect all the necessary cables and harness connectors. Connect the antenna cable in the new radio.
Insert the radio and set to open in tyre. Secure mounting kit screws, two (2) 7 mm bolt, initially in auto workers factory radio.
Attach the plastic dash, which covers the radio controls and air conditioning.
Now the installation is complete

Wiring instructions:
Power and dynamics of the wires needed to connect new radio are attached to the wire connector located inside the vehicles tyre. Install the doctor strongly recommends that you use additional MMC snap-in on the wire that is specifically designed for the snap-in connectors Automotive wire tyre. This will keep you from cutting wires vehicles. This optional snap-on wire will have wire on the other connector that will allow you to splice the wires to the new station. Your only option is to cut car connectors wire dash and splicing of new radio stations directly on these wires wires. Optional snap-ins on the wire takes all the guess work, trying to figure out what each wire is wire tyre vehicles. Optional snap-ins on the wire to tell you what each wire.


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