
Friday, December 27, 2013

Build a 10 Amp 13 8 Volt Power Supply Circuit Diagram

Sometimes amateurs like to home-brew their power supplies instead of purchasing one off the shelf at any of the major ham radio retail dealers. The advantage to rolling your own power supply is that it teaches us how they work and makes it easier to troubleshoot and repair other power supply units in the shack. It should be noted that there is no real cost advantage to building your own power supply unless you can get a large power transformer and heat sink for a super low price. 

Of course rolling our own gives us the ability to customize the circuit and make it even more reliable than commercial units. The circuit in Figure 1 will give us 10 amps (12 amps surge) with performance that equals or exceeds any commercial unit. The circuit even has a current limiting feature which is a more reliable system than most commercial units have. Just like other commercial units, this circuit uses the LM723 IC which gives us excellent voltage regulation. The circuit uses 3 pass transistors which must be heat sinked. Resistor R9 allows the fine tuning of the voltage to exactly 13.8 volts and the resistor network formed by resistors R4 through R7 controls the current limiting. 

The LM723 limits the current when the voltage drop across R5 approaches .7 volts. To reduce costs, most commercial units rely on the HFE of the pass transistors to determine the current limiting. The fault in that system is that the HFE of the pass transistors actually increases when the transistors heat up and risks a thermal runaway condition causing a possible failure of the pass transistors. Because this circuit samples the collector current of the pass transistors, thermal runaway is not a problem in this circuit making it a much more reliable power supply. 

The only adjustment required is setting R9 to the desired output voltage of anywhere between 10 and 14 volts. You may use a front panel mounted 1K potentiometer for this purpose if desired. Resistor R1 only enhances temperature stability and can be eliminated if desired by connecting pins 5 and 6 of IC-1 together. Although it really isn’t needed due to the type of current limiting circuit used, over voltage protection can be added to the circuit by connecting the circuit of Figure 2 to Vout. The only way over voltage could occur is if transistors Q2 or Q3 were to fail with a collector to emitter short. Although collector to emitter shorts do happen, it is more much more likely that the transistors will open up when they fail.

 10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply Circuit Diagram

10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply Circuit Diagram

I actually tested this and purposely destroyed several 2N3055’s by shorting the emitters to ground. In all cases the transistors opened up and no collector to emitter short occurred in any transistor. In any event, the optional circuit in Figure 2 will give you that extra peace of mind when a very expensive radio is used with the power supply. The circuit in Figure 2 senses when the voltage exceeds 15 volts and causes the zener diode to conduct. When the zener diode conducts, the gate of the SCR is turned on and causes the SCR to short which blows the 15 amp fuse and shuts off the output voltage. 

A 2N6399 (Tech America) was used for the SCR in the prototype but any suitable SCR can be used. While over voltage protection is a good idea, it should not be considered a substitute for large heat sinks. I personally feel the best protection from over voltage is the use of large heat sinks and a reliable current limiting circuit. Be sure to use large heat sinks along with heat sink grease for the 2N3055 transistors. I have used this power supply in my shack for several months on all kinds of transceivers from HF, VHF to UHF with excellent results and absolutely no hum. This power supply will be a welcome addition to your shack and will greatly enhance your knowledge of power supplies.

10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply Circuit Diagram2

R1 1.5K ¼ Watt Resistor (optional, tie pins 6 & 5 of IC1 together if not used.)
R2,R3 0.1 Ohm 10 Watt Resistor (Tech America 900-1002)
R4 270 Ohm ¼ Watt Resistor
R5 680 Ohm ¼ Watt Resistor
R6,R7 0.15 Ohm 10 Watt Resistor (Tech America 900-1006)
R8 2.7K ¼ Watt Resistor
R9 1K Trimmer Potentiometer (RS271-280)
R10 3.3K ¼ Watt Resistor
C1,C2,C3,C4 4700 Microfarad Electrolytic Capacitor 35 Volt (observe polarity)
C5 100 Picofarad Ceramic Disk Capacitor
C6 1000 Microfarad Electrolytic Capacitor 25 Volt (observe polarity)
IC1 LM723 (RS276-1740) Voltage Regulator IC. Socket is recommended.
Q1 TIP3055T (RS276-2020) NPN Transistor (TO-220 Heat Sink Required)
Q2,Q3 2N3055 (RS276-2041) NPN Transistor (Large TO-3 Heat Sink Required)
S1 Any SPST Toggle Switch
F1 3 Amp Fast Blow Fuse
D1-D4 Full Wave Bridge Rectifier (RS276-1185)
T1 18 Volt, 10 Amp Transformer Hammond #165S18 (Tech America 900-5825)
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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Part 2 High Voltage Supply Circuit Diagram

This High-Voltage Supply Circuit Diagram uses a transistor oscillator and a voltage multiplier to charge CIO and CI 1 to a high voltage. When the spark gap breaks down, T2 produces a high-voltage pulse via the capacitance discharge of CIO and Cll into its primary. T2 is an auto ignition coil.

Read : High-Voltage Pulse Supply Circuit Diagram

High-Voltage Supply Circuit Diagram

High-Voltage Supply Circuit Diagram

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Simple Dc Ac Inverter Circuit Diagram

This dc-to-ac inverter is based on the popular 555. A 555 oscillator circuit drives a buffer amplifier consisting of Ql, Q2, and Q3. 

The circuit operates at 150 to 160 Hz. Tl can be a 6.3-V or 12.6-V filament transformer as applicable.The frequency can be changed by changing the values of Rl and/or Cl.

Simple Dc/Ac Inverter Circuit Diagram

Simple Dc/Ac Inverter Circuit Diagram

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Current Monitor And Alarm

These circuits are intended for remote monitoring of the current consumption on the domestic mains line.

Fig 1 Current Monitor And Alarm-Circuit Daigram
The circuit in Fig. I lights the signal lamp upon detecting a mains current consumption of more than 5 mA, and handles currents of several amperes with appropriate diodes fitted in the D, and D2 positions. Transistor Ti is switched on when the drop  across D,-D2 exceeds a certain level. Diodes from  the well-known I N400x series can be used for currents of up to I A, while lN540x types are rated for up to 3 A. Fuse F, should, of course, be dimensioned to suit the particular application.

A number of possible transistor types have been stated for use in the Ti position. Should you consider using a type not listed, be sure that it can cope with surges up to 700 V. As long as Ti does not con- duct, the gate of the triac is at mains potential via  C,, protective resistor R2 and diode Da, which  keeps C, charged. When Ti conducts, alternating current can flow through the capacitor, and the triac is triggered, so that Lai lights.
Fig 2 Current Monitor And Alarm-Circuit Diagram
The circuit in Fig. 2 is a current triggered alarm. Rectifier bridge D4-D7 can only provide the coil voltage for Re, when the current through Di-D2 exceeds a certain level, because then series capacitor C, passes the alternating mains current. Capacitor C, may need to be dimensioned otherwise than shown to suit the sensitivity of the relay coil. This is readily effected by connecting capacitors in parallel until the coil voltage is high enough for the relay to operate reliably.

Finally, an important point: Many points in these circuits are at mains potential and therefore extremely dangerous to touch.

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Simple RF Transmitter for PIR Sensors Circuit Diagram

This is the Simple  RF Transmitter for PIR Sensors Circuit Diagram.

Simple  RF Transmitter for PIR Sensors Circuit Diagram

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Simple 2304 and 3456 MHz Power Amplifiers Circuit Diagram

This is a Simple 2304 and 3456 MHz Power Amplifiers Circuit Diagram


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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Portable CD Player Adapter For Car

Whenever Im in the car listening to my favourite CD, it always happens; my batteries go dead. To solve that problem, I built this extremely simple regulator circuit. It steps down the 12V from the lighter socket to 9V which is used by the CD player. Different CD players (I have a Sony DiscMan) may require different voltages, so just use the correct regulator. All the 78xx series regulators have the same pin out, so the circuit is universal.

Part           Total Qty.                     Description

C1                      1                        1000uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor   
C2                      1                        10uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor   
C3                      1                        1uF 15V Elextrolytic Capacitor   
C4                      1                        0.1uF 15V Electrolytic Capacitor   
U1                      1                        7809 Or Other Regulator (See "Notes")    See Notes
MISC                  1                        Cigarette Lighter Plug, Plug For CD Player (See "Notes"),      Heat Sink For U1, Wire, Case.   
  • The voltage your CD player needs will determine which regulator you use. For 9V, use the 7809. For 6V, use the 7806. For the unlikely 5V use the 7805. Remember that whatever regulator you use, you will need to heat sink it. The metal case or metal cover on the case makes a great heat sink.
  • I built the circuit in a small case with the long wire to the cigarette lighter plug coming out one end, then another, slightly shorter wire going out the other end to the CD player.
  • Triple check your wiring. You would hate to ruin an expensive CD player because you reversed one of the connections or hooked the regulator up backwards.
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Friday, December 20, 2013

Pills Reminder

4 - 6 - 8 - 12 - 24 - 48 hours setting, LED or Beep Alert - 9V Battery Supply

A Pills Reminder is a device that operates a flashing LED (and/or a beeper) at a fixed hour interval. A choice of time-intervals as wide as possible is available with this circuit, namely 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 and 48 hours. At first you must choose the hour interval by switching SW1 to the desired value, then apply power by means of SW2. After the hour delay chosen has elapsed the LED will start flashing at 2Hz, i.e. two times per second.

This status will last until pushbutton P1 is pressed: then the LED will turn off, but the circuit will continue its counting and the LED will flash again when the same hour interval as before is reached. A noteworthy feature of this circuit, usually not found in similar devices, is that the internal counter is not reset when P1 is pressed: this allows a better time-interval precision.

Let us explain this feature with an example: suppose you have set the time interval to 24 hours and started the Pills Reminder at 8 oclock. Next day, at 8 oclock the LED will start flashing, but you, for some reason, notice the flashes at 8:10 and press P1 to stop the LED. With most devices of this kind, the counter will be reset, causing the LED to start flashing next day at 8:10 oclock. This will not happen with this circuit and the LED will start flashing next day always precisely at 8 oclock even if you pressed P1 at 9 or 10 oclock.

Circuit diagram:Pills Reminder Circuit Diagram
Pills Reminder Circuit Diagram

R1______________10M 1/4W Resistor
R2,R3,R4_______100K 1/4W Resistors
R5,R7___________10K 1/4W Resistors
R6_______________1K 1/4W Resistor
C1,C2___________22pF 63V Ceramic Capacitors (See Notes)
C3______________22µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C4,C5__________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C6_______________1µF 63V Polyester, Multilayer Ceramic or Electrolytic Capacitor
IC1____________4060 14 stage ripple counter and oscillator CMos IC
IC2____________4040 12 stage ripple counter CMos IC
IC3____________4082 Dual 4 input AND gate CMos IC
IC4____________4075 Triple 3 input OR gate CMos IC
IC5____________4520 Dual binary up-counter CMos IC
IC6____________4001 Quad 2 input NOR Gate CMos IC
D1_____________5 or 10mm red LED
XTAL_________32.768 kHz Sub-miniature Watch crystal
P1_____________SPST Pushbutton
SW1____________2 poles 6 ways Rotary Switch
SW2____________SPST Toggle or Slide Switch
B1_______________9V PP3 Battery Clip for PP3 Battery

Alternative Clock Parts:

R8_______________1K 1/4W Resistor
R9_____________330K 1/4W Resistor
R10_____________20K 1/2W Cermet or Carbon Trimmer
R11______________1K 1/2W Cermet or Carbon Trimmer
C7_______________1µF 63V Polyester Capacitor
IC7____________7555 or TS555CN CMos Timer IC

Circuit Operation:

The clock of the circuit is made of a stable oscillator built around two inverters embedded into IC1 and a Watch crystal oscillating at 32.768kHz. This frequency is divided by 16384 by the internal flip-flop chain of IC1 and a 2Hz very stable clock frequency is available at pin #3 of this IC. IC2 counter and IC3A 4 input AND gate are wired in order to divide by 3600 the 2Hz clock, therefore, a pulse every 30 minutes is available at the clock input of IC5. The division factor of this IC is controlled by IC3B and the position of SW1A and B, selecting from six time-intervals fixed to 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 and 48 hours.

The set-reset flip-flop formed by IC6B and IC6C is set through IC4C each time a low to high transition is present at the pin of IC5 selected by SW1B cursor. IC6A and C4 provide to set the flip-flop also when a high to low transition is present at SW1B cursor. When the flip-flop is set, IC6D is enabled and the 2Hz frequency available at pin #3 of IC1 is applied to pin #13 of IC6D causing the flashing LED operation. The flip-flop can then be reset by means of P1. A master reset is automatically done at switch on by means of C6 and R7.

Alternative Clock:

Sometimes, the Watch crystal can be difficult to locate, or could be considered too expensive. For those willing to avoid the use of a Watch crystal and to accept less time accuracy, an alternative clock generator circuit is provided, directly oscillating at 2Hz, thus avoiding the use of divider ICs. A CMos 7555 Timer IC generates a stable 2Hz square wave, whose frequency must be accurately set by means of two trimmers.

R10 must be adjusted first for coarse tuning, then R11 for fine tuning. Setting precisely the 2Hz frequency of this oscillator is a rather difficult task, and can be done with great patience and the aid of a clock, a chronometer or, best, a digital frequency meter capable of measuring very low frequencies. In any case, after an accurate setup, this oscillator showed a very stable performance, not affected by battery voltage variations and an accuracy of about ±30 seconds per 24 hours interval.

  • Wanting the utmost time precision and if a digital frequency meter is available, a 5-50pF 50V Ceramic Trimmer Capacitor can be used in place of C2. It must be adjusted in order to read exactly 32.768kHz on the meter display with the input probe connected to pin #9 of IC1.
  • A Piezo sounder (incorporating a 3KHz oscillator) can be added to provide a visual plus audible alert. It must be wired across pin #11 of IC6D and negative ground, respecting polarities. Remove D1 and R6 if the visual alert is not needed.
Author: RedCircuits - Copyright:
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Simple Automatic Water Pump Controller Circuit Diagram

Simple Automatic Water Pump Controller Circuit Diagram is a series of functions to control the Automatic Water Pump Controller Circuit in a reservoir or water storage. As the water level sensor made with a metal plate mounted on the reservoir or water tank, with a sensor in the short to create the top level and a detection sensor for detecting long again made the lower level and ground lines connected to the bottom of reservoirs or reservoir. 

The series of automatic water pump controller is designed with 2 inputs NOR by 4 pieces and relay that is activated by the transistor. Automatic water pump circuit requires +12 VDC voltage source and can be used to control the water pump is connected to AC power . Here is the complete series of pictures.

Automatic Water Pump Controller Circuit Diagram

Automatic Water Pump Controller Circuit Diagram

working principle series of automatic water pump controller above is. At the time the water level is below both sensors, the output IC1C (pin 10) will be LOW, Kemudin when the water began to touch the lower level sensor, the output IC1C (pin10) remains LOW until the water touches the sensor level above, then the output IC1C (pin 10) going HIGH and active relay through Q1 and turn on the water pump to meguras reservoir. 

At the muli down and water level sensors for water untouched MKA IC1C output (pin 10) remains HIGH until the new water untouched semuasensor IC1C output (pin 10) LOW and water pump died. The series of automatic water pump controller is equipped with SW1 which serves to reverse the logic of drains (the output of IC1C) and the concept of water supplied (output dri IC1D). 

When SW1 is connected to IC1D the water pump will turn on when the water does not touch all the sensors and will die when all the sensors tesentuh water. Automatic water pump controller can be used to fill or drain the water according to which mode is selected via SW1.

List Component Automatic Water Pump Controller
R1 = 15K
R2 = 15K
R3 = 10K
R4 = 1K
D1 = LED
D2 = 1N4148
Q1 = BC337
IC1 = 4001
SW = SPDT Switches
Relay RL1 = 12V

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Video Amplifier

The video amplifier in the diagram is a well-known design. Simple, yet very useful, were it not for the ease with which the transistors can be damaged if the potentiometers (black level and signal amplitude) are in their extreme position. Fortunately, this can be obviated by the addition of two resistors. If in the diagram R3 and R4 were direct connections, as in the original design, and P1 were fully clockwise and P2 fully anticlockwise, such a large base current would flow through T1 that this transistor would give up the ghost.

Video Amplifier Circuit diagram:

Moreover, with the wiper of P2 at earth level, the base current of T2 would be dangerously high. Resistors R3 and R4 are sufficient protection against such mishaps, since they limit the base currents to a level of not more than 5 mA. Shunt capacitor C4 prevents R4 having an adverse effect on the amplification.

Author: L.A.M. Prins - Copyright: Elektor Electronics

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Car Bulb Power Flasher

Derived from the Two-wire Lamp Flasher design, hosted on RED Free Circuit Designs since 1999, this astonishingly simple circuit allows one or two powerful 12V 21W car bulbs to be driven in flashing mode by means of a power MosFet. 
Devices of this kind are particularly suited for road, traffic and yard alerts and in all cases where mains supply is not available but a powerful flashing light is yet necessary.

Circuit Diagram:

Power Flash Circuit  Diagram
Car Bulb Power Flasher  Circuit Diagram

Parts Description
R1 6.8K
R2 220K
R3 22K
C1 100uF-25V
C2 10u-25V
D1 1N4002
Q1 BC557
Q2 IRF530
LP1 12V-21W Car Filament Bulb (See Notes)
SW1 SPST Switch (3 Amp minimum)
  • Flashing frequency can be varied within a limited range by changing C1 value.
  • As high dc currents are involved, please use suitably sized cables for battery and bulb(s) connections.
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

2004 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe 350 Wiring Diagram

2004 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe 350  Wiring Diagram

The Part of 2004 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe 350  Wiring Diagram:power distribution, fuse block, turn
signal, switch signal, ctrl module, panel cluster, power distribution schematic, multifunction turn signal lever, underhood fuse block, cruise control switch, powertrain control module, serial data, sedel data secondary, throttle actuator control module, instrument panel cluster, powertrain control module.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thrifty Voltage Regulator

One of the drawbacks of a three-pin voltage regulator is that the input voltage needs to be 2.5–3 V higher than the output voltage. This makes these integrated regulators unsuitable for battery power supplies. If, for instance, the output voltage is 5 V, a 9 V battery could be discharged to 7.5 V or thereabouts only. On top of this, most of these regulators draw a current of about 2 mA. Special low-drop versions sometimes offer a solution, but they are not ideal either. The regulator described here is rather thriftier: it draws a current of only 300 µA and the difference between its input and output is only 100–200 mV In the circuit diagram, T1 is arranged as a series regulator, which means that the difference between input voltage and output voltage is limited to the transistor’s saturation potential.

Thrifty Voltage Regulator Circuit DiagramTherefore, a 9 V battery can be discharged to about 5 V, which is quite an improvement on the situation with an integrated regulator. Diodes D1-D2-D3, or a suitable zener diode (D4), in conjunction with R5 and P1, form a variable reference voltage source, which is used as the (output-dependent) base potential of T3. If the output voltage drops below a desired level, the base potential of T3 also drops. The transistor then conducts less hard and its collector voltage rises. The base voltage of T2 also rises, so that T1 is driven harder. This results in the near-instantaneous restoration of the output voltage.

The design of the reference voltage source is clearly of paramount importance. The current through the LEDs or the zener diode is of the order of only 100 µA. This means that thedrop across a 5.1 V zener diode is only 4.3 V and across each LED, only about 1.43 V. For a wanted output voltage of 4.8 V, the three LEDs proved very effective, whereas the zener did not. It may well be necessary, if a zener diode is used, to try one rated at 4.7 V. If, however, an output voltage of 5 V is wanted, it will be necessary to carefully select a zener diode. When the battery voltage has dropped to a level where it is only marginally higher than the wanted output voltage, T1 and T2 conduct hard.

A further drop in the battery voltage will cause the collector potential of T2 to drop rapidly to 0 V, since T2 tries to make T1 conduct hard. The large drop in the collector potential of T2 may be used to drive a BATT-LOW indicator. This may be done in three ways as shown in Figure 2. When network a is connected between terminals A and B, transistor T4 will normally be held cut off by divider R6-R7a. If then the voltage at B drops suddenly, T4 conducts, where-upon D5 indicates that the battery is nearly flat. The network in b is similar to that in a, but is intended for a liquid-crystal display of BATT-LOW.

Thrifty Voltage Regulator Circuit DiagramThe collector of T4 is linked to the IC that drives the decimal point and the BAT-LOW segment of the display. Network c may be used if there is an unused inverter or gate in the circuit to be powered. The high value of resistor R7b prevents the internal protection diodes of the IC being damaged. When the regulator has been built, connect it to a variable power supply via a multimeter set to the mA range and set P1 roughly at its mid-position. Turn P1 slowly until the desired output voltage is obtained.

If with an output voltage of 4.8 V the regulator draws a current of more than 250–300 µA, the three LEDs or zener diode must be replaced. The regulator can provide a current of up to about 25 mA. With a fresh 9 V battery, the dissipation of T1 does not exceed 100 mW. If the input voltage is higher, it may be necessary to mount the transistor on a suitable heat sink or replace it by a power transistor, for instance, a Type BD138.
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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dual 20 Watt Audio Power Amplifier

Overture Audio Power Amplifier Series Dual 20-Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Mute and Standby Modes

The LM1876 is a stereo audio amplifier capable of delivering typically 20W per channel of continuous average output power into a 4 or 8 load with less than 0.1% THD+N.

Each amplifier has an independent smooth transition fade-in/out mute and a power conserving standby mode which can be controlled by external logic.

The performance of the LM1876, utilizing its Self Peak Instantaneous Temperature (°Ke) (SPiKe™) protection circuitry, places it in a class above discrete and hybrid amplifiers by providing an inherently, dynamically protected Safe Operating Area (SOA). SPiKe protection means that these parts are safeguarded at the output against overvoltage, undervoltage, overloads, including thermal runaway and instantaneous temperature peaks.

Circuit Diagram

Dual 20-Watt Audio Power Amplifier Dual 20-Watt Audio Power Amplifier Circuit Diagram

Key Specification
THD+N at 1kHz at 2 x 15W continuous average
output power into 4 or 8: 0.1% (max)
THD+N at 1kHz at continuous average
output power of 2 x 20W into 8: 0.009% (typ)
Standby current: 4.2mA (typ)


  • High-end stereo TVs
  • Component stereo
  • Compact stereo


  • SPiKe protection
  • Minimal amount of external components necessary
  • Quiet fade-in/out mute mode
  • Standby-mode
  • Isolated 15-lead TO-220 package
  • Non-Isolated 15-lead TO-220 package
  • Wide supply range 20V - 64V

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    Monday, October 7, 2013

    VGA to BNC Adapter Converter

    There are monitors which only have three BNC inputs and which use composite synchronization (‘sync on green’). This circuit has been designed with these types of monitor in mind. As can be seen, the circuit has been kept very simple, but it still gives a reasonable performance. The principle of operation is very straightforward. The RGB signals from the VGA connector are fed to three BNC connectors via AC-coupling capacitors. These have been added to stop any direct current from entering the VGA card. A pull-up resistor on the green output provides a DC offset, while a transistor (a BS170 MOSFET) can switch this output to ground. It is possible to get synchronisation problems when the display is extremely bright, with a maximum green component.

    In this case the value of R2 should be reduced a little, but this has the side effect that the brightness noticeably decreases and the load on the graphics card increases. To keep the colour balance the same, the resistors for the other two colors (R1 en R3) have to be changed to the same value as R2. An EXOR gate from IC1 (74HC86) combines the separate V-sync and H-sync signals into a composite sync signal. Since the sync in DOS-modes is often inverted compared to the modes commonly used by Windows, the output of IC1a is inverted by IC1b. JP1 can then by used to select the correct operating mode. This jumper can be replaced by a small two-way switch, if required.

    This switch should be mounted directly onto the PCB, as any connecting wires will cause a lot of interference. The PCB has been kept as compact as possible, so the circuit can be mounted in a small metal (earthed!) enclosure. With a monitor connected the current consumption will be in the region of 30 mA. A 78L05 voltage regulator provides a stable 5 V, making it possible to use any type of mains adapter, as long as it supplies at least 9 V. Diode D2 provides protection against a reverse polarity. LED D1 indicates when the supply is present. The circuit should be powered up before connecting it to an active VGA output, as otherwise the sync signals will feed the circuit via the internal protection diodes of IC1, which can be noticed by a dimly lit LED. This is something best avoided.

    R1,R2,R3 = 470Ω
    R4 = 100Ω
    R5 = 3kΩ3
    C1,C3,C5 = 47µF 25V radial
    C2,C4,C6,C7,C10 = 100nF ceramic
    C8 = 4µF7 63V radial
    C9 = 100µF 25V radial
    D1 = LED, high-efficiency
    D2 = 1N4002
    T1 = BS170
    IC1 = 74HC86
    IC2 = 78L05
    JP1 = 3-way pinheader with jumper
    K1 = 15-way VGA socket (female), PCB mount (angled pins)
    K2,K3,K4 = BNC socket (female), PCB mount, 75Ω
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    Sunday, October 6, 2013

    Mini Audio Signal Generator

    A small audio test generator is very useful for quickly tracing a signal through an audio unit. Its main purpose is speed rather than refinement. A single sine-wave signal of about 1 kHz is normally all that is needed: distortion is not terribly important. It is, however, important that the unit does not draw too high a current. The generator described meets these modest requirements. It uses standard components, produces a signal of 899Hz at an output level of 1V r.m.s. and draws a current of only 20µA. In theory, the low current drain would give a 9 V battery a life of 25,000 hours. The circuit is a traditional Wien bridge oscillator based on a Type TLC271 op amp. The frequency determining bridge is formed by C1, C2 and R1–R4. The two inputs of the op amp are held at half the supply voltage by dividers R3-R4 and R5-R6 respectively.

    Mini Audio Signal Generator Circuit DiagramResistors R5 and R6 also form part of the feedback loop. The amplification is set to about ´3 with P1. Diodes D1 and D2 are peak limiters. Since the limiting is based on the non-linearity of the diodes, there is a certain amount of distortion. At the nominal output voltage of 1 V r.m.s., the distortion is about 10%. This is, however, of no consequence in fast tests. Nevertheless, if 10% is considered too high, it may be improved appreciably by linking pin 8 of IC1 to ground. This increases the current drain of the circuit to 640 µA, but the distortion is down to 0.7%, provided the circuit is adjusted properly. If a distortion meter or similar is not available, simply adjust the output to 1 V r.m.s. Since the distortion of the unit is not measured in hundredths of a per cent, C1 and C2 may be ceramic types without much detriment.
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    Saturday, October 5, 2013



    The LM3570 evaluation board has a chip enable pin (active high logic) as well as a PWM (active high logic) pin which allows current sources to be turned on and off without completely disabling the part..The LM3570 is capable of supplying up to 80mA of current split between the regulated current sources and VOUT. The LM3570 comes in National’s LLP-14 package.
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    Friday, October 4, 2013



    It shows the connection between the parts such as the front flasher light, rear flasher light, flasher relay, battery, fuse, tail light, stop light, rear flasher light, rear stop switch, neutral switch, front stop switch, AC generator, coil, rectifier, regulator, horn, head light, tachometer, speedometer, high beam indicator light, rear flasher, front flasher, and many more.
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    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    Cat And Dog Repellent

    The electronic dog repellent circuit diagram below is a high output ultrasonic transmitter which is primarily intended to act as a dog and cat repeller, which can be used individuals to act as a deterrent against some animals. It should NOT be relied upon as a defence against aggressive dogs but it may help distract them or encourage them to go away and do not consider this as an electronic pest repeller. The ultrasonic dog repellant uses a standard 555 timer IC1 set up as an oscillator using a single RC network to give a 40 kHz square wave with equal mark/space ratio.

    This frequency is above the hearing threshold for humans but is known to be irritating frequency for dog and cats. Since the maximum current that a 555 timer can supply is 200mA an amplifier stage was required so a high-power H-bridge network was devised, formed by 4 transistors TR1 to TR4. A second timer IC2 forms a buffer amplifier that feeds one input of the H-bridge driver, with an inverted waveform to that of IC1 output being fed to the opposite input of the H-bridge.

    Circuit diagram:

    Dog- Cat repellent_Circuit_Diagram1 Cat And Dog Repellent Circuit Diagram

    This means that conduction occurs through the complementary pairs of TR1/TR4 and TR2/TR3 on alternate marks and spaces, effectively doubling the voltage across the ultrasonic transducer, LS1. This is optimised to generate a high output at ultrasonic frequencies. This configuration was tested by decreasing the frequency of the oscillator to an audible level and replacing the ultrasonic transducer with a loudspeaker; the results were astounding. If the dog repellent circuit was fed by a bench power supply rather than a battery that restrict the available current, the output reached 110dB with 4A running through the speaker which is plenty loud enough!

    The Dog and Cat repellant was activated using a normal open switch S1 to control the current consumption, but many forms of automatic switching could be used such as pressure sensitive mats, light beams or PIR sensors. Thus it could be utilise as part of a dog or cat deterrent system to help prevent unwanted damage to gardens or flowerbeds, or a battery powered version can be carried for portable use. Consider also using a lead-acid battery if desired, and a single chip version could be built using the 556 dual timer IC to save space and improve battery life.

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    Wednesday, October 2, 2013

    On And Off Button

    In this simple circuit we give the chip a little more attention than usual. It is astonishing what can be built with a 555. We are always infatuated with simple circuits using this IC, such as the one shown here. The 555 is used here so that a single push-button can operate a relay. If you press the button once, the relay is energized. When you press it again the relay turns off. In addition, it is possible to define the initial state of the relay when the power supply is switched on. The design is, as previously mentioned, very simple. Using R1 and R2, the threshold and trigger inputs are held at half the power supply voltage.

    On-Off Button circuit schematic

    When the voltage at the threshold pin becomes greater that 2/3 of the power supply voltage, the output will go low. The output goes high when the voltage at the trigger input is less than 1/3 of the power supply voltage. Because C2, via R3, will eventually have the same level as the output, the output will toggle whenever the push-button is pressed. If, for example, the output is low, the level of the trigger input will also become low and the output will go high! C1 defines the initial state of the relay when the power is applied. If the free end of C1 is connected to VCC, then the output is high after power up; the output is low when C1 is connected to ground.
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    Tuesday, October 1, 2013

    Sounds From The Old West

    This circuit shows how far integration can be taken: IC1, a Type HT82207 from Holtek does virtually everything. Only a (small) loudspeaker and the necessary selectors need to be added. The standard 18-pin Type HT82207 is an integrated sound generator, producing sounds typical of the Old West. The various sounds are selected by S1–S6 as listed below. In the quiescent state, the circuit draws a current not exceeding 1 µA.
    • S1 – bugle
    • S2 – neighing
    • S3 – sound of hooves
    • S4 – pistol shot
    • S5 – crack of a rifle
    • S6 – cannon fire
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    Monday, September 30, 2013

    Soft Start For Torch Increases The Life Of Torch Bulbs

    The halogen or krypton bulbs in modern torches (USA and Canada: flashlights) have a limited life and are not particularly cheap. A simple modification in the torch lengthens the life appreciably. It is a fact of nature that any incandescent bulb has a finite life. However, the bulbs in modern torches (US and Canada: flashlight) have a less-than-average life. The reason for this is that the halogen or krypton bulbs used are operated at over-voltage to give as bright a light as feasible. The life of these bulbs may be extended simply by connecting a resistor in series with the bulb.

    For instance, when the battery voltage is 6V and the bulb is a 500mA type, a series resistor of 1Ω will reduce the voltage across the bulb by about 0.5V. This will certainly lengthen the life of the bulb, but it will also cause a reduction in the available brightness. Also, energy is wasted in the resistor (evinced by heat production). Clearly, this is not a very good solution to the problem. A better one is shunting the bulb with a transistor in series with a resistor.

    Soft Start For TorchMOSFET:

    Another well-known fact is that incandescent bulbs normally burn out when they are being switched on. This is because the resistance of the cold filament is significantly lower than that during normal operation. This results in a switch-on current that is much higher than the normal operating current. Clearly, much is to be gained by damping the switch-on current. The switch-on current may be limited by a simple circuit that is small enough to allow it to be built into most types of torch. As the diagram shows, such a circuit consists of nothing more than a metal-on-silicon-field-effect-transistor, or MOSFET, and a resistor.

    Soft Start For Torch - Increases The Life Of Torch BulbsThe transistor may be almost any current n-channel type that can handle the requisite power. The popular BUZ11 or BUZ10 is eminently suitable for the present application. The requisite limiting of the start-up current is provided by the internal gate capacitance of the transistor in conjunction with the large gate resistor. If needed, a small capacitor may be added between gate and drain. Once the transistor is conducting hard, the remaining losses are negligible. This is true also when the torch is switched off: the quiescent current flowing through the transistor is much smaller than that caused by the self-discharge of the batteries.


    Since it is much simpler to break into the positive supply line of a torch than into the negative line, the addition of the limiting circuit makes it necessary for the batteries to be inserted into the torch the other way around from normal (as indicated by the manufacturer). Also, the on/off switch of a modified torch works the other way around from normal. Fitting the modification in some of the popular Mag-Lite torches is fairly straightforward.

    After the rubber cover of the on/off switch has been removed, the entire push-button switch mechanism may be removed by releasing a central hexagonal bolt. The switch terminals may serve as soldering supports for the transistor-resistor series network. If it proves impossible to obtain a 47 MΩ resistor, four or five surfacemount-technology (SMT) resistors of 10 MΩ may be linked in series. Such a link works just as well and is almost as small as a normal 47MΩ resistor.
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    Sunday, September 29, 2013

    Curve Tracer Adaptor

    This unit employs a dual trace oscilloscope with X-Y function as a display to test and demonstrate the action of circuits and components such as transistors, diodes, zener diodes, and terminated and unterminated transformers. A low frequency sinewave (ie 10Hz - 1kHz) is applied to op amp IC2a via potentiometer VR1 to set the "X" and "Y" levels for the X-Y display on the scope. The output of IC2a is applied to the X input via R4 and IC2b and also to Probe 1 via the contacts of relay 1. IC2b provides a low impedance drive for the X input and also isolates the X input cable capacitance from probe 1. The current flowing into the probes develops a voltage across R4 which is processed by IC2d and applied to the CRO Y input to represent current.

    Curve Tracer Adaptor circuit schematic

    The scope display thus represents an X-Y graph where voltage across a circuit under test is displayed on the X axis (horizontal) and the current though it displayed on the Y axis (vertical). With a calibrated scope this equates to 1mA/V. IC1 and a relay are included to enable two probes to be used and comparisons made between a known good device and a faulty one. The relay should be a low capacitance reed type. By using the scope’s X and Y gain controls, the sinewave applied to the device under test should be adjustable from a few millivolts up to 24V peak-peak to get a very useable display.

    Thus, the unit can be used on voltage sensitive devices and at the other end of the scale apply enough voltage to check the operation of, say, a 10V zener diode. Note that all devices should be tested in the unpowered condition. If used for in-circuit tests, the effects of circuit components will need to be taken into account. Shielded coax leads should be used for the X and Y inputs and the probe leads should have zero resistance. Normal scope probes should not be used as these usually have significant built-in resistance which will interfere with measurements.
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    Saturday, September 28, 2013

    Infrared Remote Tester

    Suitable for any Infrared emitting device, 3V battery supply

    A very simple device allowing a quick check of common Infra-red Remote-Controls can be useful to the electronics amateur, frequently asked to repair or test these ubiquitous devices. A reliable circuit was designed with a handful of components: the LED will flash when any of the Remote-Control push buttons will be pressed. The side of the Remote-Control bearing the IR emitting diode(s) must be directed towards the Photo Transistor (Q1) of the checker circuit: maximum distance should not exceed about 20 - 25cm.

    Circuit Diagram:

    IR-RemoteTester Infrared Remote Tester Circuit Diagram


    R1 = 470K
    R2 = 47R
    D1 = LED Any Type
    Q1 = Photo Transistor
    Q2 = BC327
    B1 = 3V Battery or 2 AA cell


    • Current drawing of the circuit is less than 1mA when the LED illuminates and 0mA when no signal is picked-up by the Photo Transistor: therefore, SW1 can be omitted.
    • SW1 will be SPST Toggle or Slider Switch

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    Friday, September 27, 2013

    Solar Battery Protector Prevents Excessive Discharge

    This circuit prevents the battery in a solar lighting system from being excessively discharged. Its for small systems with less than 100W of lighting, such as several fluorescent lights, although with a higher rated Mosfet at the output, it could switch larger loads. The circuit has two comparators based on an LM393 dual op amp. One monitors the ambient light so that lamps cannot be turned on during the day. The second monitors the battery voltage, to prevent it from being excessively discharged. IC1b monitors the ambient light by virtue of the light dependent resistor connected to its non-inverting input. When exposed to light, the resistance of the LDR is low and so the output at pin 7 is low.

    Solar battery protector prevents excessive discharge circuit schematic

    IC1a monitors the battery voltage via a voltage divider connected to its non-inverting input. Its inverting input is connected to a reference voltage provided by ZD1. Trimpot VR1 is set so that when the battery is charged, the output at pin 1 is high and so Mosfet Q1 turns on to operate the lights. The two comparator outputs are connected together in OR gate fashion, which is permissible because they are open-collector outputs. Therefore, if either comparator output is low (ie, the internal output transistor is on) then the Mosfet (Q1) is prevented from turning on. In practice, VR1 would be set to turn off the Mosfet if the battery voltage falls below 12V. The suggested LDR is a NORP12, a weather resistant type available from Farnell Electronic Components Pty Ltd.
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    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    Super Simple 3 Watt Audio Power Amplifier

    Here is the circuit diagram of superb mini audio power amplifier, That can be power with 4.5 volt dc to 18 volts dc (maximum). This amplifier is based on TDA1015, Product of NXP Semiconductors formerly PHILIPS Semiconductors. The TDA1015 is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier circuit in a 9-lead single in-line (SIL) plastic package. The device is especially designed for portable radio and recorder applications and delivers up to 4 watt in a 4 ohm load impedance. The very low applicable supply voltage of 3,6 V permits 6 V applications.

    3 Watt Audio Power Amplifier circuit project
    3 Watt Audio Power Amplifier circuit schematic
    click on the images to enlarge


    • In-car use
    • Your own unique application
    • Power amplifier for audio projects
    • For use with portable audio equipment
    • Small but powerful multi-purpose amplifier
    Special features:
    • Low current drain
    • High output power
    • Thermal protection
    • High input impedance
    • Separated preamplifier and power amplifier
    • Limited noise behavior at radio frequencies
    • Single in-line (SIL) construction for easy mounting
    • Quiescent current : 12mA
    • Thermal and short circuit protection
    • Frequency Response : 60Hz - 15Khz
    • Max. output power : 3W (4ohm/12V)
    • Input sensitivity : 20-15mV selectable
    • Power supply : 4.5 - 15V DC @ 400mA
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    Wednesday, September 25, 2013

    Keyboard Mouse Switch Unit

    Unplugging or re-connecting equipment to the serial COM or PS2 connector always gives problems if the PC is running. Even if you only need to swap a mouse or changeover from a graphics keyboard to a standard keyboard. The chances are that the connected equipment will not communicate with the PC, it will always be necessary to re-boot. If you are really unlucky you may have damaged the PC or the peripheral device. In order to switch equipment successfully it is necessary to follow a sequence. The clock and data lines need to be disconnected from the device before the power line is removed. And likewise the power line must be connected first to the new device before the clock and data lines are re-connected.

    This sequence is also used by the USB connector but achieved rather more simply by using different length pins in the connector. The circuit shown here in Figure 1 performs the switching sequence electronically. The clock and data lines from the PC are connected via the N.C. contacts of relay RE2 through the bistable relay RE1 to connector K3. Pressing push-button S1 will activate relay RE2 thereby disconnecting the data and clock lines also while S1 is held down the semiconductor switch IC1B will be opened, allowing the voltage on C4 to charge up through R4. After approximately 0.2 s the voltage level on C4 will be high enough to switch on IC1A, this in turn will switch on T1 energizing one of the coils of the bistable relay RE1 and routing the clock, data and power to connector K2.

    When S1 is released relay RE2 will switch the data and clock lines through to the PC via connector K1. It should be noted that the push-button must be pressed for about 0.5s otherwise the circuit will not operate correctly. Switching back over to connector K3 is achieved similarly by pressing S2. The current required to switch the relays is relatively large for the serial interface to cope with so the energy necessary is stored in two relatively large capacitors (C2 and C3) and these are charged through resistors R1 and R6 respectively. The disadvantage is that the circuit needs approximately 0.5 minute between switch-overs to ensure these capacitors have sufficient charge.

    The current consumption of the entire circuit however is reduced to just a few milliamps. The PCB is designed to accept PS2 style connectors but if you are using an older PC that needs 9 pin sub D connectors then these will need to be connected to the PCB via flying leads. In this case the mouse driver software configures pin 9 as the clock, pin 1 as the data, pin 8 (CTS) as the voltage supply pin and pin 5 as earth.

    R1 = 2kΩ2
    R2 = 47kΩ
    R3 = 10kΩ
    R4 = 4kΩ7
    R5 = 1kΩ
    R6 = 1kΩ2
    C1 = 10µF 10V radial
    C2 = 1000µF 10V radial
    C3 = 2200µF 10V radial
    C4 = 2µF2 10V radial
    D1-D5 = 1N4148
    T1 = BC547
    IC1 = 4066 or 74HCT4066
    RE1 = bistable relay 4 c/o contacts
    RE2 = monostable relay 2 c/o contacts
    K1,K2,K3 = 6-way Mini-DIN socket (pins at 240°, PCB mount
    S1,S2 = push-button (ITTD6-R)
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    Tuesday, September 24, 2013

    MP3 FM Transmitter Circuit Diagram

    Heres a simple VHF FM transmitter that could be used to play audio files from an MP3 player or computer on a standard VHF FM radio. The circuit use no coils that have to be wound. This FM transmitter can be used to listen to your own music throughout your home. When this FM transmitter used in the car, there is no need for a separate input to the car stereo to play back the music files from your MP3 player.
    Project image :
    MP3-FM-Transmitter Projecat
    To keep the circuit simple as well as compact, it was decided to use a chip made by Maxim Integrated Products, the MAX2606 [1]. This IC from the MAX2605-MAX2609 series has been specifically designed for low-noise RF applications with a fixed frequency. The VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) in this IC uses a Colpitts oscillator circuit. The variable-capacitance (varicap) diode and feedback capacitors
    for the tuning have also been integrated on this chip, so that you only need an external inductor to fix the central oscillator frequency.
    t is possible to fine-tune the frequency by varying the voltage to the varicap. Not much is demanded of the inductor, a type with a relatively low Q factor (35 to 40) is sufficient according to Maxim. The supply voltage to the IC should be between 2.7 and 5.5 V, the current consumption is between 2 and 4 mA. With values like these it seemed a good idea to supply the circuit with power from a USB port.
    Circuit diagram:
    MP3-FM-Transmitter-Schematic -Circuit Diagram
    Resistors (all SMD 0805)
    R1,R2 = 22kΩ
    R3 = 4kΩ7
    R4,R5 = 1kΩ
    R6 = 270Ω
    P1 = 10kΩ preset, SMD (TS53YJ103MR10 Vishay Sfernice, Farnell # 1557933)
    P2 = 100kΩ preset, SMD(TS53YJ104MR10 Vishay Sfernice, Farnell # 1557934)
    Capacitors (all SMD 0805)
    C1,C2,C5 = 4μF7 10V
    C3,C8 = 100nF
    C4,C7 = 2nF2
    C6 = 470nF
    L1 = 390nF, SMD 1206 (LQH31HNR39K03L Murata, Farnell # 1515418)
    L2 = 2200Ω @ 100MHz, SMD, common-mode choke, 1206 type(DLW31SN222SQ2L Murata, Farnell #1515599)
    IC1 = MAX2606EUT+, SMD SOT23-6 (Maxim Integrated Products)
    K1 = 3.5mm stereo audio jack SMD (SJ1-3513-SMT
    CUI Inc, DIGI-Key # CP1-3513SJCT-ND)
    K2 = 5-pin header (only required in combination with 090305-I pre-emphasis circuit)
    K3 = USB connector type A, SMD (2410 07 Lumberg, Farnell # 1308875)
    A common-mode choke is connected in series with the USB connections in order to avoid interference between the circuit and the PC supply. There is not much else to the circuit. The stereo signal connected to K1 is combined via R1 and R2 and is then passed via volume control P1 to the Tune input of IC1, where it causes the carrier wave to be frequency modulated. Filter R6/C7 is used to restrict the bandwidth of the audio signal. The setting of the frequency (across the whole VHF FM broadcast band) is done with P2, which is connected to the 5 V supply voltage.
    The PCB designed uses resistors and capacitors with 0805 SMD packaging. The size of the board is only 41.2 x 17.9 mm, which is practically dongle-sized. For the aerial an almost straight copper track has been placed at the edge of the board. In practice we achieved a range of about 6 metres (18 feet) with this. There is also room for a 5-way SIL header on the board. Here we find the inputs to the 3.5 mm jack plug, the input to P1 and the supply voltage. The latter permits the circuit to be powered independently from the mains supply, via for example three AA batteries or a Lithium button cell. Inductor L1 in the prototype is a type made by Murata that has a fairly high Q factor: minimum 60 at 100 MHz.
    PCB Layout :
    Take care when you solder filter choke L2, since the connections on both sides are very close together. The supply voltage is connected to this, so make sure that you don’t short out the USB supply! Use a resistance meter to check that there is no short between the two supply connectors before connecting the circuit to a USB port on a computer or to the batteries.
    P1 has the opposite effect to what you would expect (clockwise reduces the volume), because this made the board layout much easier. The deviation and audio bandwidth varies with the setting of P1. The maximum sensitivity of the audio input is fairly large. With P1 set to its maximum level, a stereo input of 10 mVrms is sufficient for the sound on the radio to remain clear. This also depends on the setting of the VCO. With a higher tuning voltage the input signal may be almost twice as large (see VCO tuning curve in the data sheet). Above that level some audible distortion becomes apparent. If the attenuation can’t be easily set by P1, you can increase the values of R1 and R2 without any problems.
    Measurements with an RF analyzer showed that the third harmonic had a strong presence in the transmitted spectrum (about 10 dB below the fundamental frequency). This should really have been much lower. With a low-impedance source connected to both inputs the bandwidth varies from 13.1 kHz (P1 at maximum) to 57 kHz (with the wiper of P1 set to 1/10). In this circuit the pre-emphasis of the input is missing. Radios in Europe have a built-in de-emphasis network of 50 μs (75 μs in the US). The sound from the radio will therefore sound noticeably muffled. To correct this, and also to stop a stereo receiver from mistakenly reacting to a 19 kHz component in the audio signal, an enhancement circuit Is published elsewhere in this issue (Pre-emphasis for FM Transmitter, also with a PCB). Author: Mathieu Coustans, Elektor Magazine, 2009
    Notice. The use of a VHF FM transmitter, even a low power device like the one described here, is subject to radio regulations and may not be legal in all countries.

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    Monday, September 23, 2013

    High Input Voltage Linear Regulator

    Commonly used 3-pin linear voltage regulators, for example the LM317, cannot handle input voltages in excess of about 30V. The LR8A from Supertex Inc is a new, adjustable three pin regulator that can accept input voltages up to 450V and can supply an output current of 0.5mA to 10mA. Using this device it is possible to work with rectified 230VAC. The LR8 has a wide input voltage range of +12 V to +450V. Two external resistors (R1 and R2) allow the output voltage to be adjusted from 1.20 V to 440 V provided that the input voltage is at least 10 V greater than the output voltage. The LR8 adjusts the voltage difference between the Vout and ADJ pins to a nominal value of 1.20V.

    High Input Voltage Linear Regulator circuit diagramThis 1.20V is amplified by the external resistor ratio of R1 and R2. An internal constant bias current of 10µA is connected to the ADJ pin so that Vout is increased by a constant voltage of 10µA times R2. The formula for calculating the output voltage is given next to the circuit diagram. To ensure stable operation of the regulator a minimum output current of 500µA is necessary and a bypass capacitor of minimum 1.0µF should be used. Protection circuits in the LR8 limit the output current to 15mA typically and temperature protection ensures that the device temperature will not exceed 125oC.

    High Input Voltage Linear RegulatorWhen the device reaches its temperature limit, the output voltage/current will decrease to keep the junction temperature within limits. The two circuit diagrams show the LR8 used as a voltage regulator and as a constant current source. The current source can be used to a drive an LED. This configuration would give an LED with super-wide input voltage range, i.e., from +12V to +450V. The LR8 was originally designed to be used for switch mode supply start-up applications so it incorporates a feature which shuts down the LR8 when the output voltage exceeds the input voltage. Diode D1 is therefore necessary in the voltage regulator circuit diagram to prevent the output voltage exceeding the input voltage at any time.

    LR8 PinoutThe minimum value of the input capacitor C1 can be calculated from the following formula: C1(min) = (IL t ) / (Vpk – Vout – 10V) Where IL is the load current, and t the period between two voltage peaks. At 50 Hz, using one rectifying diode this will give a value t = 20 ms. Vpk is the peak input voltage, while Vout is the selected output voltage. The LR8 is available in two package outlines. The LR8N8 is a SOT89 SMD package while the LR8N3 is the familiar TO92 Transistor outline (e.g. BC 238). The TO-92 package can dissipate a maximum of 0.74W while with suitable heatsinking, the SMD package can dissipate 1.6W.
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    Sunday, September 22, 2013

    Speech Eroder

    Nowadays, the speech quality on our telephone systems is generally very good, irrespective of distance. However, there are occasions, for instance, in an amateur stage production, or just for fun, when it is desired to reproduce the speech quality of yesteryear. The eroder circuit accepts an acoustic (via an electret micro-phone) or electrical signal. The signals are applied to the circuit inputs via C1 and C2, which block any direct voltage. The input cables should be screened. The signals are brought to (about) the same level by variable potential dividers P1-R1-R4 and P2-R2-R3, and then applied to the base of transistor T1. The level of the combined signals is raised by this preamplifier. The preamplifier is followed by an active low-pass filter consisting of T2–T4, C3, C4, R6–R8, and P4.
    Speech Eroder Circuit DiagramAlthough, strictly speaking, P3 serves merely to adjust the volume of the signal, its setting does affect the filter characteristic. Note, by the way, that the filter is a rarely encountered current-driven one in which C3 and C4 are the frequency-determining elements. It has a certain similarity with a Wien bridge. Transistors T3 and T4, and resistors R8 and P4 form a variable current sink. The position of P4 determines the slope of the filter characteristic and the degree of overshoot at the cut-off frequency. The low-pass filter is followed by an integrated amplifier, IC1, whose amplification is matched to the input of the electronic circuits connected to the eroder with P5. The final passive, third-order high-pass filter is designed to remove frequencies above about 300 Hz. The resulting output is of a typical nasal character, just as in telephones of the past.
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