
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ducati Sport Touring projection Installation Manual

1. Remove the following wind screen components per the instructions in the manual, Ducati owners: • Instrument surrounds • projection windscreen • Chin wind screen (under the projection/air intakes) • right Middle wind screen (covers battery) 2. Disconnect the speedometer cable from the speedometer. Unthread ring nut at the top of the speedometer cable and drag back cable down approximately 4-6 inches. 3. Disconnect the projection lines from the point of contact the bulbs. Pull back the rubber boots projection Assembly back in to get access to wire the terminals. Note that two ¼ inch terminals on high beam bulb has locking clips should be depressed before drag the Terminal away from the light bulb. 4. unplug the light from the point of contact body parking by understand cables and carefully drag the 5. Remove the two rubber plugs covers lower touch-point mounting screw access holes beneath the air inlet horn. 6. using a 8 mm hex socket inserted through lower access holes Remove two hex-head bolts securing the bottom of the touch point to the frame. 7. use the same socket wrench, Remove two 8 mm hex-head bolts securing the top of the projection to the frame.
Download Complete the Ducati Sport Touring projection Installation Manual.

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