
Saturday, September 10, 2011

EnDuraSpark electronic ignition BMW quick installation

BMW fast start installation (dual-connected and managers-stock ignition advance, 1981-1995 model years with electronic ignition systems factory, see the complete guide installation troubleshooting &).
1. open the "black box" (part 1), set the dip switch according to the sticker (part # 10). Apply a sticker up.
2. fasten the black box (part 1) for the aluminum plate (part 5) with bolts, washers (part # 11).3. model 1970-78, remove the mechanical advance team. For models, 1979-1980 years remove component can.
4. remove the rotor bolt, replace replacement bolt (part # 14), the timing wheel (part 3) and the hub (part 6). The wheel is thus mark "N" and "S". Rotor torque bolt in 168 lbs.
5. set up a trigger unit (part 2) bolts Top and right of the stator. Torque up to 36 kg.
6. installing black box under the tank, use regular voltage (exclude installation of generator EnDuraLast) using bolts and washers (part # 12). Connect the black box of the trigger unit, neatly up with cable ties (part 9).
7. connect the wires to the black box in accordance with laminated diagram (part 7). If you need to employ additional spade terminals (part 8).
8. turn engines TDC.
9. loosen the screw with wrench 3 (part # 4): LED
10. with the ignition switch to turn the wheel clockwise from the front of the engine. As the wheel turns, LED on the plate will trigger include when the "S" stamped on the wheel passes the trigger. Will be put out when "N" at the wheel passes the trigger. Slowly rotate the wheel until the indicator just shuts down. 3 tighten the screws. This option is for the initial terms.
12. Elbow pointer (part # 17) as shown:
11. starting the engine Rev > 3000 rpm, check the "F" Mark a place taking into account the deadlines. Loosen the screws on the timing wheel and rotate the fix. Check with the given time frame. Tighten the screws with a blue Loctite.
13. apply 5 mm strip of sticker (part # 10) to put an end to the pointer.
14. removing identified screw on the trigger, slide the pointer screw replace.
15. turn engines TDC. Select the degree of wheel sticker, so that the pointer points "OT".


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